The names Gordon Williams, Keith Karper and Sean Gray may not ring a bell of recognition for most people in our area yet these three men, along with scores of masons, electricians, plumbers and administrators are coming down the home stretch on a project that will touch the lives of thousands of Clarke Countians for decades to come.rn
At 4:00pm on a recent Monday, with temperatures at the new high school construction site near one hundred degrees under a withering and intense sun, all three men are still at work on the job site even though nearly everyone else has left for the day.rnrnGordon Williams is Howard Shockey & Sons construction superintendent for Clarke County’s new high school. Keith Karper and Sean Gray are project architects with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, the architectural firm in charge of project. These three men, along with Gannett Fleming’s onsite manager Mike Castelli, have bottom line responsibility for making sure that the new school’s brick walls ultimately form straight lines and that the building’s roof doesn’t leak, along with thousands of other just as important details, when the new school is finished.rnrnCastelli, who serves as Clarke County’s onsite agent and school board construction liaison, said that given the complexity of the construction work being performed, he has nothing but positive things to say about his experience working with the Shockey and Rohrbaugh construction crews.rnrn”I’m very happy with the team effort”” Castelli said prior to a Monday afternoon site tour being provided for county and school officials and a local reporter. “”Great things start at the top and that includes Shockey