Case study: Winchester’s new parking garage
rnrnThe 530-space George Washington Autopark is a fully automated parking deck located in the newly revitalized Kent corridor area. It is the city’s fourth parking garage, and its first to be built using the PPEA process. The Winchester Parking Authority recently completed this seven-story parking structure through a public private partnership or PPEA agreement with Shockey-WPA, LLC (whose member company is Howard Shockey & Sons, Inc. one of the state’s oldest and largest general contractors.)rnrn
George Washington Autopark project team
rnrnThe City of Winchester’s Parking Authority partnered with Shockey-WPA, LLC, whose member company is Howard Shockey & Sons, Inc., one of Virginia’s largest and oldest building contractors. Shockey specializes in construction management, preconstruction services, design build, public-private partnerships, and general contracting. Other team members included Shockey Precast, Design Concepts, Inc. and Blue Ridge Design.